Lionel Messi.

Srijith Padmesh
4 min readAug 8, 2021

Throughout our lives, a variety of people have a different level of impact on us. Our Family first and foremost shapes our morals and understanding, our friends, shape our dreams and ambitions, our partners shape the way we see love, and our teachers shape how we learn and grow. But sometimes, there is the extra-terrestrial connection that cannot be explained, a connection that touches the soul yet cant be processed. The connection to an idol. That was Messi for me.

His impact can’t be explained. In a weird way, he has shaped my morals, dreams, ambitions, love, desire, knowledge, growth, etc. Yet, I have never met him. I was lucky enough to view him from atop the MCG; he looked like an ant from the view high up in the stands. Good days that. Felt like I was sitting next to him.

I have followed Messi for almost 10 years now, the last 8 as a hardcore fan. I watched every match possible, whether at 10 pm, 2 am, or 5 am. It didn’t matter; for Messi, I was always up to it no matter the day. Week after week, year after year, I have set aside my time for him. My relationship with him lasts longer than anything I can recall, bar family. If you ever hesitate to date a Messi fan, don’t think twice. If we can commit our lives to a man we never met, we will commit our lives to you as well. Loyalty is embedded in our hearts. Moving on…

It all started one lucky day as I viewed a little magician play ball with his feet like never before—the ball to his feet, the rhythm to his dance, the stadium to his song. When Messi plays, he becomes football, and football becomes him. I won’t go into describing his ability; it's out there for all to know, and if you don't, search Messi, and you will see a million hours' worth of content, with every second worth watching.

His impact is greater than his ability. Some may say I am crazy, but Messi was a beacon of light to millions of his fans worldwide. When the world seems against you, when you are depressed and devastated, Messi gave a reason to live on. He always made sure his fans had something to look forward to week after week, for over 15 years consistently. Therapy and counseling are nice, but Messi is better. There have been numerous circumstances where he has helped me get back on my feet, after a death of a loved one, after a breakup in a relationship, or even after a terrible test score.

That is probably why I never felt as sad when my relationships broke down; they didn’t nearly affect me as much as the last few days. Inside, my beacon of light has been taken away from me, and I need a long time to process the damage and get over the impact. If you are a Messi fan reading this, I can feel you; you are not alone. We will get over this heartbreak together. Messi does not give up, and we will not too.

His attitude, his grace, his humility, his love, his family, his desire, his competitiveness, I can keep going on. I am proud of the person I have become, and the person I am today has been largely influenced and affected by the person Lionel Messi is to me. I can proudly say that I have the greatest role model on Earth to look up to.

This is a very unstructured article, but my relationship with Lionel Messi was anything but structured. I will miss the emotional rollercoasters, the bursts of joy when he scores, the sadness of a loss, the anger over a foul on him. Haa. It will be a very few weird years to come. How I wish I can turn back time, back when everything was good and magical.

Thank you, Leo, for everything you have done, not as a goalscorer, not as a player, but for the person you have been, for being the beacon of light and hope for millions of that out there. For me, Lionel Messi is bigger than any religion because if God is described as the character that guides you in your darkest times, then that’s been Messi for me.

Lionel Messi has etched himself in millions of our hearts; hopefully, one day, I, too, can have such an impact on someone else. For his service to society is something greater than anything I have ever seen or thought possible, all while playing with a ball on his feet.

Well, I might be a crazy lad, but adios. Visca Barca, Visca Lionel Messi!

Lionel Messi: The Greatest Player of all Time

